My new pond guy.
My pond was built 5 years ago…and I did not know..what I did not know..I was “sold” that these folks knew what they were doing. Well…no filters…no drain…pumps clogged..very difficult to clean. The pond was pretty for a while…and then… was dark..could not see fish. Waterfalls broke off and on, the pumps were always was a daily effect to keep the pond going and the fish healthy. Called Gopro for a pond cleaning..which resulted in a rebuild of the pond. We discussed the pros and cons…my husband and I decided…better to rebuilt and have it done correctly to eliminate the daily issues were were having. It is so beautiful. The original pond was large…5000 gallons, but..did not look natural…….this rebuilt..same 5000..looks larger due to the lay out of the stone etc….. now has a water bog for plants to grow..allowing for the eco system to develop, a large filtration system…multiple pumps the waterfall is amazing…natural..multi levels….it looks thou it was there all along. Scott had a “vision”…I was with him ALL the time..asking a zillion questions…he showed up 11pm one night.. for an emergency with one of my fish…no questions, hopped out of bed and was there…issue resolved. When you clean or rebuild a pond…there is a risk of the koi being stressed. Scott did a great job at minimizing the stress on the fish and the owners. My fish within an hour were swimming like crazy…so happy…you could almost see them smile. I did have a koi not make..I do not blame GoPro..koi are delicate and stress is difficult on them…I am so pleased with the results…sorry for the loss…but no blame to be passed…nature at work. Scott and Gopro performed professional and with great care for my fish. Scott is now our “go to” koi pond fish company. I googled pond cleaners…that is how I found him……and took a leap of faith. So glad we did. Not only does Scott do an excellent job, I found him to be honorable and honest…something I value.
Niki Haarman